
jakob barely manages to dodge nicks fist at the last moment as he strains his body to its limits. after missing nick loses the last bit of his momentum and comes to a brief stop allowing jakob to gain some distance. 'fuck this is dangerous! if i didn't try to dodge both attacks i would at minimum be in a lot of pain right now.' jakob complains to himself but can't deny how effective training like this is as even after having only just started not long ago he is already starting to adapt to nicks speed. what jakob doesn't know however is that nick is only going at about fifty percent so jakob can actually adapt instead of just getting rescued instantly without any effect on his strength. what nick actually planned for training jakob was twofold , first he would slowly increase how much power he used as jakob began to adapt until jakob reached his current level of strength the second was that once jakob could match his current physical strength nick would start using his laws to push some of his understanding of laws into jakob elevating jakobs strength even further.

nick charged at jakobs again this time using his movement technique to accelerate suddenly right before he reached jakob throwing him off guard. nick imitated a boxer from his past life an threw a jab from his left and just like a jab thrown by any other boxer the punch was faster than a normal punch but lacked the sheer power a normal punch would have. jakob knew he couldn't dodge this strike so rather than just take it he opted for a trade , jakob blocked the punch with his left hand which let out a sickening crunch as the bones in it shattered but gritting his teeth to withstand the pain jakob brought up his sword to strike at nick while he was open after his attack. the sword stuck nick under his still outstretched left arm but rather than a wound showing up the area was filled with a screech of metal grinding against metal. nick leapt back after being hit and looked at his left side where his clothes had a huge gash revealing the scales underneath completely intact with only a small white line to show where he was struck.

"that sword should be below the fifth tier correct?" nick said while taking his upper shirt off revealing the toned muscles covered by scales and black featherlike down between them. jakob grimaced as he saw that his trade off failed entirely. "its only an average tier four sword why?" jakob asked through gritted teeth. nick nodded before taking out two pills from his inventory and tossed them over to jakob. "those two pills will fix your arm take the white one first than take the red one after the first one is done working." nick said before taking out a chair and sitting on it and waiting. jakob caught both of the pills and ate the white one like nick suggested and immediately wanted to scream as all the bones in his body shattered before coming back together and repeating five times in an instant. After the fifth time the pills effect wore out and jakob fell onto his knees panting. jakob recovered after a minute and then looked at the red pill in his hand like it might be poison and then looked at nick who simply sent him a look that said 'I'll explain later.' before gritting his teeth and swallowing the red pill and waiting for the effects to appear.