
The goddess pouted when nick asked her to wait to use her pills but still acquiesced since she had already agreed to keep jakob safe to begin with. After getting the goddesses agreement nick looked at jakob and nodded letting him know they are starting again. jakob tensed before he even realized it nick had vanished from where he was standing leaving only a small puff of dust behind. jakob panicked and was about to look for nick when he suddenly found himself in front of the goddess and he heard the sound of glass shattering while a wave of force hit him almost harming him alone. nick stood in the spot jakob was only an instant before with his fist fully extended into the air where jakobs chest was steam rising from it. 'okay so full strength is still too much lets try seventy five percent.' nick thought before his body visually shrank slightly before he turned to jakob and waved him to get ready. jakob stepped forward cautiously and took his stance while focusing on nick fully. nick nods before he charges toward jakob again this time however jakob could just barely manage to see move and dodged accordingly.

seeing this nick increased his strength to eighty percent and accelerated towards jakob again this time his speed beyond that which jakob could dodge so jakob was forced to block nick with his sword. nicks fist collided with the sword and the groaning of metal rang out before the sword shattered and his fist struck jakob in the chest sending him flying into the sanctuary's walls with a boom. the defensive array trembled at the sheer force it was struck with but still managed to stand firm. jakob puked up several mouthfuls of blood before he managed to stabilize himself . "why didn't you grab me that time!" jakob yelled at the goddess. the goddess shrugged "it wasn't enough to kill you ." she said calmly. jakob glared at the woman angrily "how was that not a lethal amount of force!" he said while pointing at the small puddle of blood he threw up. the goddess sighed "when you blocked the blow most of the force behind it dissipated before you got hit with what was left." she said calmly. jakob thought about it for a moment before he found that what she said made sense but then he realized that nick had only hit him with a fraction of what he would have had he not blocked.

nick threw a new sword and an actually healing pill to jakob before he waited for jakob to get ready again. jakob caught the sword and pill and checked them both confirming that the pill was an actual healing pill but when he checked the sword he was stunned to find that it was a tier six weapon. "i can't take this its too expensive" jakob said before he threw the sword back to nick. nick caught the sword before speaking "i didn't give you the sword because it was expensive but because it would allow you to actually counter attack effectively" nick said before throwing it back the spoke again "plus it isn't worth that much to me since i have enough wealth at this moment to make even a king greedy." he said with a grin. jakob caught the sword and attached it to his belt. "gods , even your wealth is monstrous. do you even have any weaknesses?" jakob said with a sigh.