Sanctuary 2.0

Jakob pulled a massive bone that gave off a desolate aura from his space ring before handing it to nick with a huge grin on his face. "turn it into a sword please." jakob said shamelessly. nick shook his head at jakobs antic before throwing the bone at him." that's a tier 8 material it would take me a month just to create a tether much less the ungodly amount of energy it would take to change its shape even slightly!" nick yelled angrily. jakob put away the bone with an awkward expression. "sorry about that i got a bit carried away." jakob said apologetically. nick just shrugged "can we focus please I'd like to finish the house before we get off topic again." he said seriously. the three grew serious and lo mia spoke up "i assume you are going to add a thick layer of soil on top of the foundation over there." she said seriously. nick nodded in agreement "in that case i suggest creating the walls first so that you can hold all of the dirt in place." she said. nick nodded before creating twenty foot tall walls out of jade stone the same material as before since there was no need to change that aspect.

Nick then filled the inside with ten feet of nutrient and energy rich soil. having finished with that nick created a gate that stood directly in the middle of walls perfectly even with the soil on the inside. at this point all that was left was filling the place with vegetation including the garden as well as building the house and pond before making the formations and arrays before the sanctuary was done. nick shifted some soil making a five foot deep bowl shaped hole that he hardened the bottom of so it could hold water before moving on to create the house behind the would be pond. nick first set up the base structure as a massive rectangle of jadestone that took up a huge area before creating walls and a roof then he added the doors and the house was complete though the word house wasn't exactly accurate so much as mansion. the building had rich blue walls with golden accents and a black tile roof giving the whole building an air of majesty.

Ironically the mansion only had six rooms with one of them being much bigger than all the other as well as had its own gate for entrance and exit , that room was for azdra when he got much bigger but would remain vacant till then. each of the four people had a room with plenty of space in it for them to have their professional tools in them while still being spacious. of course as promised nick had created a large bathroom that was split in two one side for the men the other for the women. as far as furniture was concerned however the place was completely barren since nick figured he'd let the other three decorate as they pleased. having completed the house nick started working on creating the formation to purify the air since the sanctuary would still be in the swamp while he was at it nick added a camouflage function to the formation making the sanctuary look like an odd cloud floating just above the ground. being done with everything that needed to be done while close to the ground nick controlled the sanctuary to rise into the sky reaching such a height that it looked no different than a slightly low flowing cloud that was following the other clouds.