Welk clan(2)

Nick could only shrug since jakob was right. "after you." nick said calmly. jakob grinned before walking through the space door before nick followed after and the door closed without a trace. nick found himself in front of a mist covered mountain with large buildings built into its side barely concealed by the mist. "welcome to the welk clan estate!" jakob said grandly while dramatically posturing. "i see you aren't so uptight anymore , little brother." a female voice said from the mist while the sound of light footsteps approached the two men and one wyrm. azdra immediately got into attack position on nicks shoulder while nick tensed up as well , however jakob had the most in tense reaction as he squeaked like a frightened mouse before hiding behind nick timidly. nick raised an eyebrow at jakobs response before he turned to look at the individual who stepped out of the mist. a woman with a middle aged appearance with the same hair color as jakob and a surprisingly weathered face stood in front of nick. the two parties sized each other up but a look of confusion appeared on the woman's face.

"You don't look at all like how i imagined." the woman said confused. "well i have no idea what you were expecting me to look like but here i am." nick said calmly. the woman flinched at nicks retort obviously not expecting him to talk back. "well aren't you a fiery one at least that part of his description holds weight." the woman said honestly. nick was actually curious what jakob had told his clan so he simply asked. the woman was taken back by how straight forward nick was but she considered it a pleasant surprise. "well he said you were monstrously strong as well as clever while also being ridiculously talented and ruthless." the woman said honestly. "aw i see so you probably had an entirely different idea of what someone fitting that description would look like its an easy enough mistake to make." nick said in understanding. "i suppose the upper part of your clan also sent you here to size me up right?" he asked with a bored expression. the woman started laughing when she heard nick "he was totally right your as smart as a whip. yes i was sent for that purpose though i suppose that since you are aware of that you have likely already countered that right?"

nick grinned "indeed i have you won't find anything you can use against me no matter how hard you look , but by all means try if you must." he said calmly. the women sighed "what happened to the spirit of cooperation?" the woman said acting sad. "well are you going to lead us on or are we just going to stand here pointlessly?" nick asked in boredom. the woman stopped acting and put on a serious expression "but before that i need a word with my little brother behind you." the woman said while jakob panicked and tried to run but the woman seemed to teleport behind nick without him even noticing which sent a shiver down his spine. it was obvious to nick that the woman could probably kill him without much effort if she wanted which further strengthened his resolve to get stronger.