Elder wyrm

The two auras clashed violently creating a zone of extreme pressure between them as they seemed to have the same level of strength but something about that irked nicks bloodline which unconsciously made nick release an even fiercer aura that was laced with a nearly unnoticeable about of madness. the mans aura was quickly overpowered before he spoke up. "that's enough , it seems my son wasn't lying when he said you were quite monstrous , so young and yet you can overpower a void completion level aura of course i was holding back but still an amazing achievement nonetheless." he said in admiration. nick grinned "i just try to be the best i can." he said humbly. the man nods "that's usually how it goes so I'm not surprised though i still find it hard to believe someone like you is friends with my son." he said honestly. nick shrugged "it just sort of happened but i don't regret it for a moment." nick said emotionally. the man smiles "its good he has someone like you , i worry about him like any decent parent should." he says.

"Well sappy stuff aside we should trade resources , you brought your half yes?" the man said seriously. nick takes out a knowledge jade and presses it to his forehead before sending the two recipes into it causing it to shine. nick also pulls out two jade bottles "there are two of each type of pill in these two bottles and i just put the recipes into this jade as for the wyrm hes the little reptile trying to intimidate you from my shoulder." nick said seriously. the man nods before taking out a token with the welk clans symbol on it. "this is the token that will let the guards allow you into the inheritance ground." he said before holding out his hand with the talisman. nick handed azdra to jakob who took the wyrm without any issue before nick walked towards the man normally. as soon as he reached the man nick reached out both of his hand one reaching for the token the other pushing forward the items he is giving up. the two men swap items before nick walk backs to where jakob is. "I'm going to assume I'm not allowed to go were you are taking azdra correct?" nick asked seriously. the man nods "it's a rather sensitive part of the clan after all." he said honestly.

"That's fine however i expect him back unharmed within a week or i will go looking for him personally." nick said with a cold glint in his eyes to confirm his thinly veiled threat. the welk clans elders all had serious expressions when they heard nick but didn't say anything since nick hadn't broken etiquette yet. "understood" the man said with a serious expression. nick turned to jakob "I'll trust you to bring him wherever he needs to go." nick said seriously. jakob nodded before walking towards the group from the welk clan. after jakob joined that group his father spoke to the woman "take him to the guest house." he said before the entire group vanished. the woman shrugged "well come on I'll take you to the guest house." she said before flying up were nick followed. the two flew into the citylike place before stopping at the far right side of it where a small but well kept house stood. "this is the guest house feel free to make yourself at home." the women said before vanishing.