Twilight forest(3)

Nick immediately understood his mistake and launched a fireball at the bears face to temporarily impair its vision before jumping from the tree with his sword drawn. the fireball did its job as it exploded in front of the bears face causing it to have to protect its eyes before focusing on nick who had landed nearby. nick could see the anger in the bears eyes and knew he would have to kill it so he focused his energy into yin yuns edge before charging towards the bear aiming for its front legs. the bear roared and launched itself at nick. the two met in the middle and the bear swiped its razor sharp claws at nick causing him to forego his intended target to block the blow. a resounding boom echoed through the area as sword met claw and force met force the ground around the two cratered as the shockwave from the collision ripped through the area. not stopping for an instant nick and the bear began trading blows violently as destruction flew from each attack. the area quaked from the shockwaves and the trees collapsed devastating the area but neither opponent cared.

Eventually the victor was decided as the unknown energy showed its use when nick ran out of his other sources of energy. in truth nick wouldn't have had any problem defeating the bear had it not been for the fact he was using it to get a handle on how the stygian bear would likely also fight. anyway the unknown energy focused into nicks last blow as he unconsciously channeled it revealing its main use , to amplify the raw strength behind an attack multifold. the shear strength behind the final blow erupted caused the air to physically shatter as nicks blade vanished and a monstrous force rended the bear and the earth behind it apart leaving a twenty meter long gorge in their place. nick flew backwards violently crashing into a tree with so much force that he spewed up a mouthful of blood. 'so that's what that energy does , also it seems that while using the energy isn't directly going to harm me the recoil is definitely something i need to keep in mind before i use it.' nick thought while pulling himself out of the trunk of the tree already healed from his injuries.

Walking over to where the bear was previously nick didn't find even a scrap of fur left causing him to click his tongue in disappointment before leaving the area to find a place to recover his energy. walking for a few minutes nick found a cave with the bears tracks all around it obviously being its lair. nick knew he should be safe here so he entered the cave quickly checking it over only finding a few spirit fruits that the bear had been hoarding before confirming the cave to be empty after which he sat cross-legged to recover his energies. after meditating for an hour nick had recovered completely so he stood up and headed back into the forest to try and find a stygian bear so he can leave his dreadful place. sadly for nick fate had other plans and without realizing it he walked right into a well hidden spatial point and vanished with a pop.