Accidental progression

What nick didn't realize was that he wasn't in a special illusion like he thought but had actually been transported to a planet with next to no qi and as a result didn't know that his actions had actual consequences. all of the world certain individuals were discovering qi for the first time and while some pioneered their worlds way to power other suffered qi deviation and died. of course nick wouldn't come to understand this until much later since no one else on the planet even knew what cultivation was much less how to do it. this marked a new age for this world that while having a slow start would quickly gain a fearsome momentum. nick noticed a small increase in available qi but ignored it as a by product of his array before he started cultivating much slower than he normally would since the amount of qi he could draw was greatly reduced since his qi cultivation was sealed. nick didn't mind the slow speed since he was already expecting something like this to occur. time passed quickly and without nick realizing it a new day had dawned before he woke from his meditation as a system notification went off.


*Congratulations on changing a world with your actions! Rewards for completing mission (NEW WORLD ORDER) peace of mind , world shardx10 , phoenix rebirthx1 , legend pointx1 added to inventory*

Upon reading the systems notification nick sucked in a breath of cold air as a thought occurred to him 'I'm not in an illusion am i?' this thought terrified nick as he realized that the people he would have killed with his original plan were real and for the most part innocent. in truth nick tried not to cross the line when it came to innocent lives where most cultivators could care less about killing them. nick quickly calmed down before he opened his inventory and identified twelve new items ten of which were odd shards that rapidly changed colors while the other two where a book and a potion respectfully. taking out one of the shards nick looked at its stats.




DESCRIPTION: Shard of a core formed within a world that has been born , when a world dies the core breaks apart forming shards like this one which can be used to strengthen another worlds core or to create another world core if at least twenty shards are collected.



Putting the shard back into his inventory nick took out the book and the potion to look at their stats.




DESCRIPTION:A technique that strengthens the soul by refining it by forcing one to face their heart demons.






DESCRIPTION: An extremely potent medicine that is capable of returning the dead to full health with but a single drop but whose main use is to grant the drinker a phoenixes understanding of the (ERROR! HOST TOO WEAK FOR INFORMATION)



Nick was stunned by the rewards he had gotten but was rather confused by how the description of phoenix rebirth was blocked by the system but decided against asking questions since the reason it was blocked was stated clearly.