You are weak

"It would seem we need to have a discussion." nick said while looking at bellania strictly. she fidgeted uncomfortably under nicks fierce gaze. "ok so i might have not told them that our relationship was strictly business." she said while avoiding nick eyes. nick sighed "since it would be suspicious if we just stood here while you are supposed to be showing me around so start walking and we will talk while we do so." nick said seriously. bellania nodded before walking through the door with nick following beside her. "so this is the part where you tell me exactly what you told your family." nick said while they walked casually. "well i told them that you were my boyfriend and that you would be going with me to the kings party." she paused nervously. "whats the but?" nick asked seriously. bellania sighed "but i also said we might get engaged while entirely not telling them that all of this is part of a deal." she finished nervously. nick sighed "I'm disappointed in you , despite what i have said you refuse to let go of the idea that our relationship with eventually go beyond just business." he paused.

"Let me put it clear for you then." nick started to release a bit of his killing intent. "it will never go further , so drop the idea or i will find someone else to back me for the throne." nick said while bellania went pale while shivering in fear from the tiny amount of killing intent nick used. nick retracted his killing intent and waited for bellania to calm herself. "w-what was that?" she asked obviously shook. "that is killing intent and anyone who has fought life and death battles will develop it and the more battles fought the stronger it gets." he explained calmly. bellania was stunned "but why would anyone fight so much , we are at peace?" she asked clueless. nick scoffed "isn't it obvious , for power of course." he said seriously. "we fight because its the only way to truly gain power. weakness is a sin as only the powerful can decide their fate and i refuse to be weak." nick said with determination before looking straight into bellanias eyes "and you are weak so you will never gain my affection , accept that and move on with your life." he said coldly.

Bellania froze as nicks cold words echoed in her mind 'you are weak'. the words echo in her mind she wanted to deny them to prove them wrong but she knew that they were true. a few moments later she looked at nick seriously "but i don't have to be weak." she said determination burning behind her eyes. nick sighed "no you don't have to be but will you change that , will you suffer over power as all do or will you shrink at the first sign of peril. only you can decide that." he said seriously. "i shall push forward because i want you." she said with conviction. nick shrugged "we will see , now enough of the serious stuff i believe you owe me a tour." he said with a chuckle.