
Nick checked the wares of the vendors and found that most of it was useless junk but still he gave each vendor a bit of food before taking something soon leaving many people grateful to him for his generosity. in truth this was just a ploy by nick to help him get the position of king so he could pass this test and leave. by the time nick got to the middle of the market area he had collected an impressive assortment of trash while basically feeding a third of the less fortunate in the city so he was well liked by the populace. at the start of the middle area nick noticed an immediate spike in prices as well as several vendors selling mutant plants though most of the ones nick saw were too damaged by improper collection methods to be of use but nick still gave out some food nonetheless. nick stopped at one vendor however and he was surprised to find not mutant plants but several vials of colorful liquid and a sign that said strange medicines. nick could tell at first glance that the potions were full of impurities since the method used to create them was primal and full of flaws.

"Excuse me but were you the one who created these potions?" nick asked the vendor who was a young girl no older than ten. the little girl looked at nick with bright innocent eyes "no mister is there something wrong with them?" she asked concerned. nick nodded before pointing to one potion that was bright green in color. "this one in particular is poisonous." he said before handing the little girl a small wheel of cheese and grabbing the green potion. the girl looked confused since despite telling her that it was poisonous nick still took the potion. nick didn't say anything instead he simply pulled the cork off the bottle and gently poured a single drop of the green potion onto a weed growing in the crack on the stone ground. the moment the drop touched the weed the plant visibly withered away until it turned to dust. the little girl went pale as she watched this scene as nicks words were proven true beyond a shadow of a doubt. " mister please help me!" she asked anxiously. "the rest of these are not poisonous however they were made a bit wrong so they would be harmful to ones body in the long run." he said honestly.

The little girl looked conflicted at the colorful vials before turning to look at nick. "mister i only have these thing i can sell for food if i get rid of them then my brothers and sisters will starve can you help?" she asked hopefully. nick sighed before pulling a large burlap sack out of nowhere filled with dried meat and cheese and handed it to the stunned little girl who was shocked by nick seemingly using magic. "this is enough to feed a large family of seven for about a month so I'll give this to you if you take me to the person who made these potions." he said with a kind smile.