Strange beast

Lucian nodded "if I'm not wrong we were supposed to figure out that individual strength is more important than numbers." he said with a frown. "that would make sense , though if that is true then we have some problems as we can barely match a beast individually much less defeating one." the king said with furrowed brows. wesley shook his head "you are both thinking about this wrong." he said drawing the two men's attention. "oh how is that so?" lucian asked confused. wesley pointed at the snake next to him. "does this snake look like it is very strong?" he asked making the two men frown. "it does look very strong , what of it?" the king said not understanding. "you are wrong this snake is actually not very strong but rather it is extremely fast." wesley said before having the snake dash forward disappearing into a puff of dust. lucians eyes lit up at this display "i get it!" he exclaimed before looking at the king "we thought that all of these beast were balanced like before they changed just that they were stronger but in fact most of them actually have grown in a particular direction like this snake which isn't strong so much as fast." lucian explained.

The kings eyes lit up as he figured out the most important piece of information. "so you mean we simply need to find beast that are specialized in something we can handle." he said with a grin. meanwhile nick was teaching the orphans how to cultivate as well as the information they needed to know about the cultivation world. "any questions?" nick asked. "um mister what about tyrion why is he so strange looking?" the little girl who led him to the orphanage originally asked. "tyrion is a special kind of beast called a myth breed but that is only because i had forcefully altered the evolutionary path he would have taken originally. he would still be just a big bird otherwise." nick explained honestly. "is there any other questions?" he asked calmly. "can we learn how to use alchemy like big brother joseph?" a little boy with thin blonde hair and red eyes asked. "it depends on if you have the talent for it like joseph." nick said finally learning the young man who was trying to learn alchemy's name.

"How do we know if we have talent for it?" the same little boy asked hopeful. nick pulled out a clear orb the size of his head. "this orb is used to figure out roughly what someone is talented in as well as what element they are most attuned with." nick explained before placing the orb on the ground. "each of you will come and place your hand on this orb and i will tell you your talents and affinities." nick said before pointing at the little boy "you will go first since you brought it up." he said calmly.