Inheritance realm

Nick left with azdra following along before heading towards the guest house calmly and after a few minutes jakob showed up with his elder sister. "so did you really threaten my father?" jakob asked curiously. nick nodded "i did though it was mostly to make sure he didn't try anything funny." nick said seriously. jakob and his sister were stunned and looked at nick like he was some exotic animal which made him uncomfortable. "its not that strange stop looking at me like that" nick said in irritation. "of course it's strange!" jakob exclaimed. "did you know that an ex clan member once tried to threaten my dad when he was a kid and my father poisoned him to death as a result." jakob said seriously. nick thought about it for a moment "than if i'm not wrong the reason your father hasn't attacked me because of the threat is likely because i made it clear that it is only meant to protect myself rather than to harm the welk clan." nick said simply. jakob's sister was confused "what do you mean?" she asked confused. "i also don't understand what you mean could you explain it a bit better."

Hearing that neither of the siblings understood nick sighed. "the threat that ex clan member made was like filled with malicious intentions correct?" nick asked to which the siblings nodded. "unlike that person my threat is based entirely around the idea that the welk clan might play dirty in the face of such benefits." nick paused so they could process what he said. "in other words my threat is only to make sure i am safe rather than to harm the welk clan." nick said before they arrived at the guest building. "feel free to come get me when you head out for the inheritance ground since i have already paid to go." nick said before leaving the two siblings outside to door. after he shut the door nick let out a sigh of relief when he activated the isolation array he placed secretly when he stayed here before. 'man its stressful to be on alert for so long.' nick thought before looking over azdra who looked many times larger than he was when nick left. 'what on earth did they feed him it get this big in a matter of a week' nick thought before he started to cultivated.

The next day nick was notified that someone was trying to contact him by knocking on the door. standing up refreshed nick lowered the isolation array and opened the door to see jakob standing there with his father and a bout a dozen other youths who looked around jakobs age. "i assuming you are here to get me for the inheritance ground right?" nick asked casually. the clan leader nodded "indeed the inheritance ground has officially opened and since part of your business involved you going in i am here to ensure our transaction is completed to the letter." the clan leader said seriously.