
Nick left tyrion and headed into his garden that he could see some weeds in which he calmly removed while being careful not to damage any of his herbs that he had planted here. after finishing this task nick headed into his room to cultivate for the rest of the day since he had little progress when he did so in the trial world. early the next morning he heard the formation tell him that someone had entered the swamp which made him sigh before getting up and flexing his new gains from his cultivation session that would shock most as he had broken through twice placing him firmly at the third level of the void chasing tier making his status look like this.


NAME: Nicholas varia


RACE: human/demigod


Contracted beast: tier 2 three eyed false griffon(tyrion)






CULTIVATION: Void chasing tier 3

PROFESSION: alchemist tier 3 , array master tier 3 , blacksmith tier 3 , inscription master tier 3 , healer tier 3 , cook tier 3

SKILLS: swordmastery lv2 , bowmastery lv1 ' inferno step lv2 , area of absolute control lv2 , myriad forms lv20 , void core lv1 , qi control lv15 , dragons wrath lv4 , dragons might lv15 , divine might lv15 , faceless mask lv1 , Peace of mind lv1

ABILITIES: awareness (user is aware of all things around them even without seeing it.)

Body control (user has complete control of their physique including nerves, pores ,veins, etc)

Divine charm (user naturally emits an aura that attracts others to them like a natural leader)

Nature child (user is accepted by the laws of the universe, let one cultivate without angering the heavens)

Dragon kings mark (owner has been marked as the dragon princess's fiancé for being more exceptional than any other.)

Monster (user has surpassed even geniuses in many ways , culture with twice the results with half the effort.)

BRONZE BODY(user has a body as durable as bronze)

First (user is the first to do something great and is rewarded by the heavens)

Conflicted(temporary) user is torn between two opposed thoughts.)






LAW: Space small completion, devour advanced completion, fire initial, water initial, air initial, earth initial, dark initial, light initial

SYSTEM EVALUATION: keep it up* ______________________________________

Needless to say nick felt like he could handle any students who may have come looking for him to try and steal his secrets. nick wasn't angry at the fact others wanted his stuff since he was very much aware that this was how the cultivation world worked. walking out of his room nick teleported to the area that the formation told him the people entered only he made sure that he was far enough away that it was unlikely that the people would notice his arrival.