World tiers

Once nick felt he had fled far enough he stopped the base and quickly settled the clouds that had been swirled from the air pressure around the moving base effectively hiding the base again. "fuck that was close!" nick cursed before deciding that he needed to figure out how to practice without creating waves since otherwise his strength other than his cultivation would start to fall behind. while he was deep in though he felt something tap him on his shoulder causing him to turn around and see millea standing there with an excited look on her face. "what was that form you took it was almost as strong as someone two tiers higher than you?" she asked curiously. nick shook his head "i haven't named it yet since truthfully i didn't expect it to be so powerful when i was only testing the abilities of this new energy." he said honestly before pausing. "speaking of how powerful it was do you by chance know how i could practice without announcing to the world that i'm doing something impressive?" he asked seriously. millea thought for a moment before speaking. "if you are only practicing without trying to effect the world i suppose you could use my realm."

Nick was surprised at her answer. "can't others feel what is going on in your realm though?" he voiced his doubts. millea shook her head "i am the goddess of darkness which is by nature an obscuring force so if i don't want anyone to know what is going on in my realm naturally only someone more competent in the power of darkness could peer into my realm forcefully and if such a person is trying to observe you it is pointless to hide anyways." she explained casually. nick was confused "aren't you at the pinnacle of darkness laws , how could someone be more competent than you at them?" he asked while visible confused. " it's not really a huge secret so I'll explain it to you." she paused " you are aware that there are other worlds besides this one correct?" she asked to which nick nodded. "what you probably don't know is that there are four types of worlds the first is barren planets that have no qi at all making cultivation next to impossible." she paused to make sure nick was still following.

Seeing that nick understood she continued. "the next is a low tier planet that has a small amount of qi making cultivation difficult but not near impossible like the first type , a world will be classified as low tier until such time as creatures there with cultivation become common. the next type is mid tier worlds where cultivation is common and deities have been formed to maintain the balance of the world since cultivation in large scale would throw the balance into chaos otherwise. a mid tier world will stay as such until such time that someone develops to the point they can travel in the void outside the world. the final type of world is a high tier world where people capable of traveling the void have occurred at least five times all the way till traveling the void become commonplace."