The first fiend god

Within nicks body not a trace of the bloodlines that were there still existed and in their place a new bloodline that while thin had near limitless potential. this new bloodline was formed when nicks body started to generate its own bloodline upon ascending and rather than being assimilated into the already existing bloodlines in order to purify and strengthen them this new bloodline actually devoured the others in a tyrannical manner. the reason that this unheard of thing had occurred was that unlike most cultivators who only had a lower tier bloodline upon ascension nick had a high tier bloodline due to his dual ascension in both qi and body refinement and because it was a bloodline created naturally rather than one introduced later it consumed the unnatural bloodlines. the heavens themselves blessed this bloodline as well due to the fact it was the first bloodline formed through body refinement which gave this bloodline a royal status in the future when other bloodlines formed from body refinement will appear. nick would only learn about this status later when he shared his cultivation method and he meets another cultivator with a fiend bloodline.

Nick opened his eyes and felt the changes in his body as it seemed that some unknown pressure was lifted off his shoulders leaving only a comfortable feeling. after search his body thoroughly he realized that all of his bloodlines had vanished and only a single unknown bloodline was left. nick was surprised about this change and feared that he would lose the abilities he gained from the bloodlines would disappear as well but after trying to use them he found that not only did they not vanish but they had in fact grown even more potent. nick could also tell that this was not the only thing that his new self could do as well as he felt that this new bloodline was far from simple but he didn't have time to investigate it at this exact moment. nick took a step towards millea but since he wasn't used to his new power used far to much strength when step forward which launched him at super sonic speed right into millea who caught him easily before holding him firmly against her breast smothering him in squishy clouds. nicks brain short circuited for a moment as the sudden shift in perception added onto the soft abyss he found himself held onto proved slightly too much for him to process for a short period.

Millea happily held nick against her womanly assets while her mind raced at the naughty scenarios playing in her head including where nick in his joy from breaking through took her right there on that island. unfortunately millea was bound to be disappointed as nicks brain finally rebooted and he hastily freed himself from the abyss and distanced himself by teleporting as he refused to embarrass himself further.