Cultivation convention(7)

A few days later and the convention had officially started and jakob lead nick and millea to the location of the meeting which was on the far side of the campgrounds. after arriving nick saw several teachers from the academy including the headmaster as well as subhuti and several other people he didn't recognize sitting around a huge table. nick took the seat labeled with his name after checking it carefully for traps while millea did the same. jakob was waiting outside the meeting area since he was not invited. after all of the seats were filled the convention officially began and everyone discussed the various things that had occurred in the past ten years since the last convention such as the disappearance of the sub continent were nick originated from to the demon reemergence event that frightened many. soon however the topic of rising geniuses came up and many people bragged about their own children as well as any dark horse that appeared and this included nick. once nick was brought up everyone present looked at nick who was sitting calmly in his seat. "oh please bear me no mind and do continue your conversation." nick said trying to make everyone ignore him as unimportant.

"Quite humble of you little one though i'm sure i speak for everyone when i say we would love to know your secret." obviously nick didn't succeed. nick sighed "in truth i was merely lucky is all." nick said seriously. the person who spoke up pressed further "i am afraid you will need to elaborate further." nick shook his head "i don't have to do anything but for the sake of peace of mind ill explain a bit. you see i had stumbled across an inheritance left by some mighty figure that let me obtain a perfectly talented body. and as for discovering the method for cultivating the body i simply stumbled across it in a fit of enlightenment." nick said with a shrug. everyone around the table discussed what nick said and found that indeed that would explain most of what nick had accomplished but this only made them greedier. "if this is true then i'm sure you would share these great things with everyone else right?" one of the ones nick didn't recognize asked with clear greed. "before any of that what is the most valuable thing you have?" nick asked.

"I don't see how that is relevant." the person said with a frown. "oh it is quite relevant since if i am supposed to share my most valuable things with everyone it is only fair that everyone else does the same." nick said with an evil grin making everyone who didn't know him already realize that he was no ripe fruit for harvest but a monster luring in victims.