
Tyrion flew for several hours at top speed with nicks unconscious body carefully avoiding every other creature that he saw. after flying for two hours tyrion found a cave that was over grown and obviously abandoned. entering it without removing the foliage at the entrance tyrion saw that the cave was only large enough to work as a shelter for nick and after giving nick a healing pill from his own stash tyrion reentered nicks contract space to wait. an hour later nick stirred and groaned as he sat up with his full body aching. nick tried to flex his qi to heal himself but the lack of qi in his body cleared up his foggy mind. nick remembered just before falling into a spatial rift how his dantian was crippled and decided to check his body refinement before he panicked. nick focused on his fiend energy and let out a sigh of relief when it began to flow around his body rapidly healing it. nick remembered that he got something from the inheritance that might solve his broken dantian and began to dig through his inventory. searching for a moment nick found the item he was looking for and pulled up the system entry for it.




DESCRIPTION: The seed of a many faced peach tree that evolved into a divine tree and reached the lord tier cultivation before shedding this single seed. can restore ones broken dantian and grant an innate physique based on the consumers talents if consumed on an eclipse.


______________________________________ This item alone solved nicks broken dantian however he noticed that there was a detail in the description that would put a large delay on his recovery. in the description it explicitly stated that it would only work on an eclipse. unfortunately nick had no clue where he was much less when the next eclipse was. after his body finished healing nick spent the next three days adjusting to his new situation since he was used to having both qi and fiend energy together. once he got used to using fiend energy alone nick summoned tyrion from the contract space and thanked him for his efforts. together the two began to explore the surrounding area and came to a disturbing conclusion. where ever the two had ended up it was a place much stronger than restrus.

The reason they figured this out was because most of the cultivator beast they came across in this vast forest were tier seven at the minimum. ascended in general were fairly rare on restrus with there only being about two hundred on the entire world whereas nick had seen at least fifty in a single day here. nick would have been thrilled to come to a place like this normally however with his dantian crippled and him having only his body refinement he was only as strong as a high tier seven beast.