Changes and recovery


NAME: Nicholas varia


RACE: human/fiendgod



Contracted beast: tier 7 greater darkness griffon(tyrion)






CULTIVATION: body refinement stage 1

PROFESSION: alchemist tier 7(unavailable) , array master tier 7(unavailable) , blacksmith tier 7(unavailable) , inscription master tier 7(unavailable) , healer tier 7(unavailable) , cook tier 7(unavailable)

SKILLS: swordmastery lv6 , bowmastery lv1 ' hell step lv3 , area of absolute control lv6 , myriad forms lv20 , void core lv5 , absolute qi control lv3 , dragons wrath lv4 , dragons might lv15 , divine might lv15 , faceless mask lv3 , Peace of mind lv4

ABILITIES: awareness (user is aware of all things around them even without seeing it.)

Body control (user has complete control of their physique including nerves, pores ,veins, etc)

Divine charm (user naturally emits an aura that attracts others to them like a natural leader)

Chaos child (user is loved by the laws of the universe, lets one cultivate without angering the heavens and even grants heavenly assistance on rare occasions)

Dragon kings mark (owner has been marked as the dragon princess's fiancé for being more exceptional than any other. fading from soul refinement)

Monster (user has surpassed even geniuses in many ways , culture with twice the results with half the effort.)

Innate physique (user passively draws in the surrounding qi and cannot suffer qi deviation naturally.)

Faith source(uses the faith energy gained to purify the spiritual impurities passively until it can no more.)

First (user is the first to do something great and is rewarded by the heavens)



SPIRIT:3 stars


CHARISMA:3 stars

LAW: Space perfect completion(unavailable), devour perfection(unavailable), fire perfect completion(unavailable), water perfect completion(unavailable), air perfect completion(unavailable), earth perfect completion(unavailable), dark perfect completion(unavailable), light perfect completion(unavailable).

SYSTEM EVALUATION: back to square one with a better foundation.*

Nick half expected this would happen but that didn't mean he was happy about it. what is worse for nick is that he is completely defenseless without any cultivation at the moment. thankfully nick had already created cultivation pills with the local treasures he had collected. nick spent the next three months rebuilding his qi cultivation while ignoring his body refinement which let him re attain his ascended qi cultivation. it was at this point he started his body refinement again and much to his discomfort he took an entire year to re attain his previous might.

The reason for this outrageous cultivation speed was due to the fact he cant experience qi deviation allowing him to recklessly charge ahead. another reason for this speed was due to him having already pasted through these cultivation levels meaning he already knew the way so he just need to follow it. the final reason though was how ridiculously potent the treasure and by extension pills made from them that nick used to supplement his cultivation. after all of this time spent hidden away recovering nick finally re attained his previous strength and even gain a fair amount more due to his innate physique as well as the left over qi from when his body was remolded that fused with his nascent core strengthening it to ridiculous levels and making him far stronger than he was originally.