Constant trouble

In the end it was decided that a far more powerful assassin would be sent to deal with nick since he posed too much of a variable to the plan. nick was of course oblivious to this as he cultivated with the goal of being able to travel the void. he spent a week cultivating before heading out to look for any signs of something to boost him up quickly. the cultivator market was interestingly enough a part of the mortal market were mortals could be seen wandering about looking at the cultivation resources in awe. nick didn't notice the person following him with a cold expression and a hood covering their head. nick walked through the market and haggled for a few things that could be useful before he headed back to the inn he was staying at in a leisurely speed. nick felt someone bump into him as he turned a corner but besides the impact he didn't feel anything else not even the thin needle shattering against his skin. mere moments later that same person drank a small vial of liquid to remove the poison that the needle shards inflicted on them.

"This target is unusual , his body felt like a high grade weapon." the figure said to themselves seriously. the figure then vanished in a puff of smoke like they weren't there to begin with. this continued for the next three weeks with nick proving to be seemingly immune to all forms of harm which irritated his would be assassin to no end. this person had tried stabbing , poisoning , suffocation and even once tried to have a pile of the heaviest material they could find fall on nick. after all this time the organization was getting suspicious that the assassin was incompetent since the person watching nick had reported his continued survival. the organization contacted the assassin to figure out what was going on only to be horrified to hear directly from the assassin how all of their methods accomplished absolutely nothing. "this guy is worse than a cockroach , even a cockroach would have noticed something odd by this point but that person seems to shrug off everything as if it were flea bites!" the assassin complained loudly not even caring how they looked at this point. the sad thing was that nick truly just thought his luck was a bit poor recently rather than that someone was trying to kill him.

"it would seem that this person is impossible to remove quietly , so how do we proceed?" one of the organization leaders asked seriously. "we could always just go through with the plan while ignoring him." a different person suggested. "if it was possible to do so we would have done that already , the fact of the matter is that in order for the plan to work this person can't be in the city." the first person says honestly. "then what if we give him information on a useful treasure that's outside the city before proceeding with haste?" a different person asked .