End of siege(2)

The four paled when they felt the law behind this attack and the three organization members scattered to save themselves. unfortunately nick had expected this when he chose the law to begin with and when he finally drained the vial of qi a pin prick of pure destruction was glittering between his palms. in an instant the pinprick expanded into three streams of energy that targeted the three fleeing organization members. the streams destroyed everything blocking them including the very space they went through making their speed unmatched and as a result they reached their targets instantly and erased them completely. the streams then returned to nick before he slowly absorbed them into his body and fed them to his spark of law growing it ever so slightly larger. "quite the terrifying trump card you have there young man." omen said honestly. "i'm assuming that those were the masterminds behind this whole situation , so what now?" nick asked. "why the impatience?" omen asked curiously. "some of your descendants are trying to usurp my dimension while we speak and its getting rather irritating to constantly slap their greedy hands away without killing them." nick said calmly.

Omen frowned deeply at this news "bring them out here and I'll see to it they are punished for their actions." he said seriously. nick opened a portal to his pocket dimension and twelve people were ejected ungracefully in a pile on the floor where omen covered them in his barrier before the technique could begin eating them alive. nick and omen watched as the pile of royals separated with a good deal of cursing. once the royals saw the stranger standing next to their ancestor they realized that this was the owner of the pocket dimension they were in and that they had been kicked out of it before they could take it. seven of the royal saw how stern their ancestors expression was and chose to remain quiet while the other five began to make demands of nick to relinquish the pocket dimension to his betters. omen expression got darker and darker the more disrespectful these people were towards nick and the seven observant people noticed this and separated from them like they were plagued. nick soon left the royals with omen after saying that he was off to find the source of the technique. it didn't take nick long to find the seven ritual sites that were burning philosophers stones which he shut down immediately ending the siege.