
Sweat formed on nicks forehead as his spiritual energy struggled against the raging essences that were slowly blending together. time passed by and soon this effort paid off as the last of the essence fused together and with a violent bang split into six different tear sized lumps. these lumps were the condensed infant form of pills that now needed nick to shape and congeal into the final pill form. this step while important was far less stressful to complete as the pills no longer resisted the changes made. nick wrapped the infant pills with his spiritual energy and began to use three high tier techniques to shape the pills while raising their quality as much as he could. these techniques were the flame branding , great swirl and defiant will techniques that each affected different parts of the pill to induce a qualitative change in them. with the last touches done a bright light shined out of the pill cauldron and dense medicinal scent wafted out in a wide area of around twenty meters. dark clouds began to gather overhead and rumble showing the heavens displeasure at the existence of these pills.

This was not unexpected for nick since after reaching the seventh tier pills were rated based on the type of pill tribulation they drew with nine tribulation pills being almost unheard of but the most precious by a massive margin. the reason for this was that each tribulation represented a step closer to perfection for a pill with nine tribulations being the most perfect a pill could ever get. one bolt of heavenly lightning after another fell towards the cauldron causing it to shake as the pills resisted them. the sky cleared after the sixth bolt fell upon the cauldron and nick lifted the lid to collect the pills. in the cauldron lay four purple colored pills with six rings that shined with spirituality and released potent medicinal scent. nick wasn't surprised that two of the pills didn't survive the tribulation since this was normal and he was happy at the quality of the remaining pills as well since they were in the upper middle rank for seventh tier pills even though it was only his first time concocting them.