Hostile conflict

"You have made a poor decision by targeting me today." nick said before a mass of blue flames spring up in the palm of his left hand. the people surrounding nick quickly realized that they made a mistake in not bringing more people. none of them regretted targeting nick since failure was punished not with death but with hellish torment that lasted longer depending on how severe it was. nick didn't like his enemies prepare as the flame in his hand flew towards the nearest person igniting them before burning them to ash without time to even scream. this sight sent chills down the woman's spine since she knew that the person who just died was roughly as powerful as herself. nicks figure flickered and reappeared next to two other people a woman and a man this time with both hands glowing an ominous red color. the two reacted quickly but with nicks speed it was like they were standing still as he pressed both hands on the chest of the people and spoke "shatter" he said and the red glow flashed brilliantly before vanishing revealing two pairs of legs with nothing else attached to them.

With so many of their group dispatched in an instant the rest lost all confidence and scattered in hopes of being able to escape as nick went after their comrades. nick wasn't so generous however as beams of red energy zipped through the air before burning a massive hole through each persons head. the only one not struck with these beams was the woman who had tried to follow nick earlier since he had something special in mind for her. the woman felt despair when witnessing the ease by which nick killed the entire group. she wanted to use a talisman to escape but nick appeared in front of her in an instant and before she could react struck her just below her naval where her dantian was located. this shattered her dantian crippling her while leaving her in horrendous pain and despair as she felt all her hard work being taken from her.