Without Ying there is no Yang, and vice versa, without good there is no evil, no being has been able to understand this topic, until he was born, a mixture of good and evil, the perfect balance of the two was achieved by a boy who's birth caused an earth shattering phenomenon, which even scared the gods, now follow me on an adventure, the adventure of a Supreme Legend.
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updates coming too slow, will it improve? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Very nice!!! Looking forward to reading more.!!! Stupid rules.................................................................................................................................................
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Well you know how author's do it, it called helping yourself Ssssdad Ashish ha no ddhsjyahyhagssnShabashdjdbshyshsshjHshshgssgdgcysnshsycttdhahsvrvrbssbdggvgvghhrhtvtvtvtvbdhcyhheryjhshhehsb he 140 characters