we waited a long time, didn't we?

You were in deep sleep when you heard someone ringing your door bell vigorously. You opened your eyes a little to check the time "who could it be?" it was 6:30 in the morning.

You jumped sitting straight on the bed. "aunt?" you panicked and rushed to the bathroom to wash your face. You hurried to the door to open it.

You were surprised seeing Jimin standing in front of you. He looked like he was not in a great mood. "what are you doing here and at this time?" you asked him.

"what took you so long?" he slightly raised his voice. He was clearly mad. "huh?" you were not sure what was going on. 'A dream?' you thought but the freezing wind entering your house through the open door ensured you that it was a reality. You pulled him in by his coat because it was freezing cold outside and closed the door. "I was standing there, ringing the bell, from half an hour." He said.

you looked at him. "sleepy head, you got me worried." He said in a relieved tone.

'so, he wasn't mad because he was waiting in the cold, but because he was worried' this thing made you soft. "I'm sorry jimmy" you said with a smile.

"yaah… you know I can't stay mad if you smile like that." He said blushing which made you laugh. "ah… why are you here?" you asked him again. "to take you with me. Let's go" he said grabbing your wrist.

"wait… where?" you said stopping him from dragging you. "ah... at my house." He said. he was blushing. "what? At this time? And I have a school." You said. "come on… I want you to come. Forget about school. My mom will handle it. I want you to meet her today. She… she missed you all this time too." He said with a serious look on his face. His eyes were staring right into yours waiting for you to agree. How can you deny his puppy eye look. You sighed. "okay, but let me get ready atleast" you said as you were still in your pajamas.

He nodded and let go of your hand. "Make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back" you said and rushed to the first floor.

He started roaming around, looking for the changes. Memories from the childhood started rushing over his head. He went to the sofa and remembered the moment when you two used to sit on it and watch the movies, where you used to sleep in the middle. He smiled remembering all that. He brushed his hand on the sofa. He turned to the door and remembered the time he used to sit there waiting for you. His smile saddened. "We waited a long time, didn't we?" He asked looking at the door. "This feels unreal." He mumbled.

You took a bath really quick and get changed into a magenta colored sweatshirt and a jeans. Your closet was full of sweatshirts. You never cared about your looks and tried to save money rather than spending them on pretty dresses. 'will this be okay?' you asked yourself looking in the mirror as you were going to meet her after so many days. You took your black coat before going

downstairs. Jimin was sitting on the sofa, waiting for you. He looked up after hearing your footsteps. "You're ready? Shall we leave now?" He said standing up.

It was around 7. It was really cold even though you both were in the car. He asked you if you were cold but you denied as you know that he will take off his jacket and give it to you, which is not good for his own health.

He stopped his car at a few distance away from his house. "Here.." he pulled out a mask from his pocket. "wear this and we will be entering from the back door. There must be some people in the front of my house and i don't want them to harm you." You took the mask and wore it. He took out one for himself and opened the door.

' being an idol must be tough for him. Fans chasing around capturing all the moves they make. Spreading rumors for what they haven't even done. ' you followed him closing the door of the car.

"We need to climb this wall. Comeon you go first." he said stopping in front of a wall. "This wall?" You asked looking at it.

'cute. My chance to make an impression' he smirked. "I'll help you." He said. "Move you'll get hurt." You said moving a bit backwards. He looked at you in confusion. You jumped and climbed the wall with an ease.

You looked at him sitting on the wall. He was looking at you with his jaw dropped. "Need help?" You asked looking at him and extending your hand, with a smile. "I can do that by myself." He said jerking your hand away. He tried to jump like you but failed, Which made you laugh. "Why? I can really do this. Just see." He was pissed by your laughing. He moved a little backward before jumping again. And this time he succeed and sat right next to you. He leaned closer "as you can see now , super girl." He said with a smirk.

'he looks so handsome from this close' you thought while looking at him. Yes, he is handsome, beautiful just like an art. His voice is like music to the ears. Whatever mood he is in, he always look good. As you were staring constantly at him. He leaned more closer breaking your attention.

"Ayy.. what are you staring at?

Ahhh.. my abs?" He asked in a teasing manner. "What the hell?" You pushed him away and jumped off the wall to the other side. He laughed seeing your reaction and followed you.

He called out for his mom as you both entered his house from the back door.

His house had changed a lot since you visited last time. But some things never change.

"Mom.. I'm back" he said again. "Coming kid." Came the voice. A lady appeared coming out of the room. She was looking like she was in her early 40s. Wrinkled, loose body but.. same warmth and same smile. It was obvious that Jimin got his eyesmile from his mom.

"You brought someone home? Oh.. who is this young lady? Were you talking about this surprise?

Jimin-ah is she your girlfriend? " She asked, teasing him.

Even though she was his mom but back then whenever you planned on pranking jimin, she was always with you. She always treated you like her own daughter.

"What? W-what? G-girlfriend? No mom." Jimin hesitated, he was clearly blushing.

" Look at her mom. Do you remember her now?" He said in a hopeful voice with a bright smile, pushing you near her by your shoulders. " Y/N, mom" he said.

Her eyes widened as she saw you more clearly and heard your name. You gave her a comforting smile and she pulled you in a crushing hug. "Oh my child, Y/N I'm so glad to see you in front of me." Her voice started shaking, her eyes were filled with tears. You hugged her back.

" you look like an old lady now." You chuckled. "Aish.. you young kid." She smacked you a little on your back while smiling. "Whom are you calling an old lady? I'm stronger than you." She laughed.

Jimin was standing near the wall smiling at your actions.

'i have to handle these two? Guess it's gonna be tiring' he chuckled.

"What are you laughing at while standing there? Huh? Go and wash up.." she yelled at him. "Fine fine I'm going. You don't have to nag me all the time." He pouted. "Ahh.. now you don't even need your son i guess, as you got Y/N" he said.

"Why? are you jealous?" She teased her. You were just admiring both of them with a smile. You know how much you missed them. Their little fights and laughing together. "Why would i?" Jimin blushed and went upstairs leaving you both alone. "He woke up and told me that he is going to bring back a surprise for me. I'm so happy to see you Y/N" she said.

'wait? Does she mean that he didn't even washed his face and he still looks this handsome?' you wondered.

You both talked a lot about everything, past memories, about your mom, the time you all spent together. it felt like you were talking to a close friend.

Jimin took a bath really quick and opened the closet while drying his hair. His closet was full of branded clothes of each type. Especially GUCCI. He took out a white formal shirt. He then put it back and searched for something. He then took out a magenta coloured t-shirt when he remembered what you were wearing. He got dressed up and looked in the mirror.

"We look cute together, right?" He said. His face turned red.