*cough**cough* (realization/secret)

"are you sick or something?" he asked in a worried tone seeing you all covered up in the layers and having a mask on your face.

"huh? Yeah *cough*" you faked a cough to make it look obvious. You knew that hiding your cuts by the mask will be a better option than letting anyone see them. You didn't want Jimin or others to get worried over or ask you questions about it.

"I'm sorry I didn't re..." you were cut off by Jimin leaning closer "forget about it. Tell me… did you took the medicine?" he asked. His warm eyes were looking at yours.

"*cough* ah… yes *cough*" you didn't want to lie to him.

"yaaaaa… don't cough in your mask. You'll get the germs back. Take it off." He moved close near your face and tried to remove the mask. You hesitatingly pushed him away. "I-I'm sorry." You ran away from him, leaving him standing there alone. 'I shouldn't have done that…' he stood there pouting.

All the other members (except Yoongi) asked you if you are fine and insisted you to take a day off and rest but you assured them that you are fine and there is nothing to worry over. Yoongi on the other side, kept staring at you with a worried as well as dissatisfied look. His intensified stares were making you sweat nervously as if he had caught you lying.

It was uncomfortable to do the things with your mask on, but you had no other choices.

You were in the middle of your work when Yoongi approached you "I wan-" he was about to say something when an employee called you from outside the room. "Y/N sshi, the receptionist is calling you. I think it is about your ID" she said. "ah… is that so… okay, I'll go there in a minute." You replied and turned to face Yoongi "what were you saying?" you asked. "the th-" he was again interrupted "Y/N sshi you need to go right now. The receptionist is going to change her shift soon." She said. "huh? Okay" you apologized to Yoongi and left, leaving him behind.

"can you please take off your mask for a second?" the receptionist asked you for testification of the identity before handing over you your staff ID. She clearly knew that it was you, but it was her job to check. You looked around to make sure that no members were nearby before pulling your mask down. "Y/N sshi, what happened?" she panicked after seeing those cuts on your face. "sshh..." you signaled her to not scream loudly. "I fell off the stairs" you said with a smile. "why are you smiling over something like this?" she scolded you. She was a kind lady in her early 30s. "anyways, here is your ID. And take care of yourself kid." She said handing you your ID. "okay okay. But just don't tell anyone about this please." You said with a smile while putting on your mask again. She nodded and then you left.

You were passing by the empty hallway when you felt a strong pull and in the very next moment you were pinned by the wall. "M-Mr. min..." you tried to push him away, but he was way too stronger than you. "don't move" he said in a sharp voice. He was so close that his body was touching yours a little which was making you a bit uncomfortable. He moved his hands to remove your mask, but you grasped his with yours making him stop. You had to let his hands go when he glared at you with his cold eyes. It was scary. He seemed scary at that moment. He looked pissed. You gulped and closed your eyes tightly in the fear of being caught.

His angry, pissed expression softened after seeing all the cuts, after taking off your mask. He looked at your face without saying anything. 'why?' he thought before sighing softly. He brushed his fingers of his right hand on your scars slowly making you shut your eyes more tightly in the pain. His eyes were glued at your painful expressions. he moved his thumb to the cut on the corner of your lips and shifted his gaze to it. He leaned in bringing his face near yours. His eyes fixed on your red and soft lips were making his mind go blank. He was slowly moving closer with his hand still cupping your cheek softly for support. He closed his eyes when he felt your warm breath. When his lips were about to meet yours, he was stopped by the feeling of a strong grip on his shoulder pushing him backwards. His hand slide off your cheeks as he turned around to see two fierce eyes burning up with anger. It was jimin's. Jimin stood there tightening his grip on yoongi's shoulder. His eyes, his facial expressions, his everything was showing his lever of anger. You opened your eyes when you felt yoongi's hand sliding off your cheek. "Jimin-ah" you said in a low voice when you saw jimin with yoongi. You thought that he too with yoongi caught you lying. You were embarrassed without being aware of the tensed atmosphere between them. Jimin turned at you when you called his name. His anger faded away when he saw your face covered in scars with dried blood on it. His expressions softened more like it turned into a frightened look. He looked back at yoongi. And pulled him a bit away from you which made you confused. "Hyung.." he moved closer to his ear.

"Control your vampire instincts"

he whispered in his ears.

He then grabbed your hand and dragged you away from there, leaving yoongi standing there alone.

"But.." yoongi stood there looking at you leaving with jimin. "It wasn't my vampire instincts this time." He said in a sad, low voice, realizing what was wrong with him.


PG here...

I'm sorry really sorry...

yes yoongi is a vampire but not a pure one.. his mom was a human and his dad is a vampire (spoiler)

yoongi is more like a human. he is around 30% vampire...

this was my original plan as I thought that I'll not get this many readers (500+ collection) and now I can't change it because of my previous chapters. so I tried to make him more human.

don't hate me or leave me because of this.. I'm sorry 😭😭😭😭