is this your house?

"mr. Min??

What ar-e youu.. " you were slightly surprised by seeing yoongi at your doors.


Good evening to you too. " he rushed inside as it was cold outside. He jumped on the couch and made himself comfortable. Looking at him felt weird.

"such a careless mom you are" he rolled his eyes lazily towards you. While you just stood by the door giving him 'is this your house?' look.

"why are you looking at me like that? Close the door already..

Ahh its cold" he said leaning back on the couch and closing his eyes.

'he surely is a lot more comfortable' you sighed at this thought while closing the door.

Yoongi opened his eyes to look at you after hearing you sigh.

"don't be..

Uncomfortable" he said tapping his hand on the sofa next to him signaling you to sit beside him.

"i just came here for the chocolate shake you promised me the other day." he continued with a smile.

You totally forgot about the chocolate shake. 'is he really 21?' you chuckled.

"whaaaaaatttt" he groaned shutting his eyes close and leaning his head back. "okay mr. min, so do you want extra ice in it? " you asked with a smile walking towards him.

"do you want to kill me this bad? " he pouted and you laughed. "then.... do you want hot chocolate? I can make you chocolate shakes in summer.. "

Yoongi thought about it for a second. "okay.. Sounds good." he leaned back again.

"ow.. " you looked at the plastic bag lying on the table which yoongi bought with him.

"mr. Min what is this? " you pointed your finger to the bag.

"umm.. Just some antiseptics...

I thought...

You didn't know how to treat your wounds but i can see the bandages tied perfectly fine.. Hmm?" he glared at you. You followed his gaze to the bandages on your knee. "ohh..


Jiminie did it for me. " you smiled at him like an idiot. He shifted his eyes to look at yours. "thank you, mr. min for worring about me. " you thanked him but he didn't responded. He just kept staring. It was always like this. It wasn't uncomfortable at all but you feel itchy in your stomach, everytime both of your eyes' meet. "hot chocolate, right? " you awkwardly laughed because of the silence.

"okay then.." you went to the kitchen. The kitchen was attached to the hall. Yoongi turned around and rested his head on the top of the couch while his eyes were observing your every little movement . With a tiny, unnoticeable smile and soft eyes, he kept looking at you while you were gathering all the ingredients. "okay mr. Min.... Now you'll see the magic of my chocolates. " you giggled looking at him. But he was wearing a frown as if something you said, bothered him. "why do you keep calling me mr. Min? " he asked showing what was bothering him.

"hnn?" you just stared back at him thinking about what was wrong with it. "you call jimin by his first name, then why don't you do the same with me? " he said with a serious and a deep voice. It was a bit weird for you. A person who loves honorifics, is telling you to drop it with him? Or is he angry because you don't use honorifics with jimin as he is an year older than you?

"I'm sorry mr min.. I'll not call jimin, jimin from now on" you said while awkwardly smiling. Yoongi sighed when he saw you not getting the hints properly.

"how can you be so stupid? " he facepalmed. "hn? " you stood there in confusion, staring at him.

"don't call me mr. Min from now on, okay? " he looked at you and you nodded in confusion as if his eyes were controlling your mind. "then what do you want me to call you? " you asked innocently.

After thinking a while "call me op-" he stopped in middle and started blushing.

"ooo?" you asked while pouting and he just

Turned away his gaze in embarrassment.

"nothing.. Just call me yoongi" he said.

You made him and yourself a cup of hot chocolate. You asked about cats while joining him on the couch. Of course he nagged you. But he didn't mean it.

"thank you mr min" you said out of habit.

"again? Aish you.. " he poutted. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Yoongi? " you laughed looking at his reaction. It was your first time calling him by his name. He blushed. He looked away in attempt of not showing his red face to you.

While sipping on your hot chocolate. You spilled few drops on the bandage on your knee and you strated rubbing it to get it off. Looking at your bandages, yoongi's face dropped. He had seen you getting bullied before.

Thoughts of back then started covering his mind.

'i didn't do anything back then as I believe that she is insanely strong. If she can punch me really hard that i felt pain even with my instincts. Then she can handle those girls easily. I thought she wasn't feeling well that time. But seeing her again like this.. There is something wrong. ' he was totally spaced out in his thoughts while his gaze were at your knee.

"yoongi? " you called him when you found him lost in his thoughts.

"why didn't you fight back? " he shifted his eyes to meet yours with a frown.

'does he know about me being bullied? No way' you thought judging his expressions. You smiled nervously and said

"what are you-" but were cut off in between "i know that some girls are bullying you." he said. His face was becoming more and more stiff while his Corner of his lips pointing downwards. You sighed as you lost your explanation. Now there wasn't any need of lying further. "ahhh.. So you knew this all along? " you looked down at the floor with a sad smile on your face. "don't tell others" you laughed nervously.

Yoongi kept staring at you. He needed the explanation. He wanted to know why. "why didn't you stopped them? " he asked.

"coz i couldn't " you smiled. He knew you were in pain. He knew what your smile means. 'can you stop smiling like that? Its bothering me.' he wanted to do something. Something to make you feel better. But he is a kind who couldn't show his care and worry towards others. He tries but he just can't do it. He cursed himself under his breath for being such a useless kind. He just kept staring at you, lowkey praying that you don't cry in front of him. As he doesn't know how to comfort a person.

You looked at him staring at you. You smiled seeing how concerned he looked. 'i can trust you right?' you asked in your mind. You decided to share this with him. You never talked about this to anyone. But somehow, yoongi felt reliable.

"you want to listen a story?" you asked with a smile. And he nodded.

" this is about someone who used to be a good friend of mine. "


I'm back ≥﹏≤ (PG)