She’s Just a Drama Queen

Ruan Zeyan's not free again!

Hearing the maid's words, Guan Meiyi could feel all her blood freezing to a stop, she was just awkwardly standing in the same spot.

That day, she initially didn't have any plans to come to the Ruan's. With what happened that day at the auditions, she had seen with her very own eyes how Ruan Zeyan had rushed to pull Ling Tianya into his embrace to save her.

Guan Meiyi had always thought that Ruan Zeyan was a heartless man, even towards her. Even if someone was about to die right in front of him, as long as Ruan Zeyan didn't care about them, he wouldn't bother to save them.

He had went to save Ling Tianya though, personally even. He just rushed up and pulled her into his embrace…

Such an action by Ruan Zeyan definitely surprised Guan Meiyi.

There should have been no connections between those two, Guan Meiyi didn't understand why Ruan Zeyan had done that.

Could it be because of Ling Tianya's stunning looks?

If one were just comparing looks, Guan Meiyi was definitely not subpar to her. Judging by the attitude that Ruan Zeyan had when he had arrived at the audition, he seemed to hate Ling Tianya a lot.

The more Guan Meiyi thought about it, the more she didn't understand, and the more unsettled she became. She headed to the Ruan family, wanting to seeRuan Zeyan.

Who could expect that he would still be too busy to meet her…

"Hah, didn't I say it earlier, my that grandson is definitely not free to meet you?!" Madam Ruan chuckled as she sipped her tea on the sofa. Seeing how stiff Guan Meiyi was, she didn't bother hiding how her glee intensified.

Madam Ruan's words were laced with hidden meaning, Guan Meiyi shuddered. Even if she felt completely bowled over in her heart, she still forced herself to maintain a good image on the outside. She gently spoke to Wang Yazhi, "Mrs. Wang, I just remembered that I still have a schedule to rush to, so I'd have to go first, I'll come visit you next time!"

"Alright," Wang Yazhi's smile was a little strained, nodding towards Guan Meiyi apologetically

"Granny, goodbye!" That is what was good about Guan Meiyi, no matter how annoyed she was about Madam Ruan, she would definitely not be impolite. She would let others have a foothold on her.

Madam Ruan merely raised her eyes, before ignoring Guan Meiyi from then on.

Eventually, Guan Meiyi left with her lips cewed red, and her eyes bloodshot from tears. Seeing Guan Meiyi trying her best to hold in how pained she felt, Wang Yazhi definitely felt pained for her.

"Mom, why are you always giving Meiyi a hard time, I think Meiyi is a pretty good kid." After Guan Meiyi left, Wang Yazhi asked the old lady.

"She's a pretty good kid? That's obviously a drama queen! It's one thing in her thought and another thing in her behavior. She really take severyone for a fool." Mrs. Ruan replied angrily.

"Look at what you're saying, Meiyi is still a young girl, how can she have that much thought. Mom, I think you're thinking too much. Qi Shan and I both like Meiyi quite a bit, could it be that we're both idiots?"

"Yes, you're both stupid! My grandson and I aren't stupid, and I'm telling you, my grandson doesn't like this woman, so don't make a fool of yourselves!"

"What fiddling? They have betrothal..."

"Fuck your betrothal!" Mrs. Ruan's eyebrows lingered, "In short, I don't approve of my grandson marrying this drama queen!"

Watching Mrs. Ruan leave with her anger, Wang Yazhi shook her head and sighed helplessly.

She just didn't understand, Guan Meiyi was obviously very good, why did the old lady look down on her so much?

Besides, even though the two families weren't officially engaged yet, there was a verbal betrothal between them. Wang Yazhi had already recognized Guan Meiyi, so it seemed like she still had to do more work on the old lady to make her accept Guan Meiyi as soon as possible....