Served on a Platter (2)

On the second day of filming, Guan Meiyi still had not shown up. Zhang Heng's face had darkened like a dark stormy night, and he had been flying off the handle at the slightest mistake, the entire crew had been on edge because of that.

Because of Ruan Zeyan, nobody dared to gossip about Ling Tianya right in front of her but continued to slander her to smithereens behind her back.

"Hey, do you think those things that the internet says about Miss Ling are real?"

"Duh, there's no smoke without fire after all."

"Right? We all knew how Mr. Ruan was hostile towards Miss Ling, and Mr. Ruan was so nice to Guan Meiyi back then. He even came to visit her on the first day of filming. Why did he suddenly not want to marry Meiyi, and instead wants marry Miss Ling?" The person that spoke gave a side-eye.

Everyone nodded collectively. "Right, Miss Ling is definitely not a goody-two-shoes, she's definitely a cunning woman, even Mr. Ruan fell for her seduction."