Day In and Day Out

During the time when Ruan Zeyan was hospitalized, the Guan Family's scandal was in full blast. Ruan Zeyan needed to rest, and Ling Tianya didn't want to pay attention to the nonsense.

Ling Qi's affair with Li Chenfeng was well known, and no matter how Guan Jianlin and Guan Meiyi tried to suppress it, it didn't matter.

Later on, the Guan Family just gave up, because the behind-the-scenes pusher was Ruan Zeyan. Guan Jianlin knew that this was a retaliation against Ling Qi's behavior six years ago. The Guan Family alone didn't have the power to rival him.

After leaving A City, Guan Jianlin didn't let Ling Qi return home and sent her directly to the mental hospital. It was claimed that, because of the impact of this incident, she had developed mental problems and had to seek medical intervention.