You’re The One That Kissed Me

Ling Tianya actually kissed him first!

Ruan Zeyan was stunned for a moment, before taking charge of the situation. One arm went around the woman in his lap, the other hand went behind her head as though preventing the woman from regretting her actions.

Ling Tianya just wanted to sit in Ruan Zeyan's lap and give him a brief peck, just to anger that doll Ruan Lijia. The fact that Ruan Zeyan was a man that would do anything, even discharge himself from the hospital for physical affection, had completely slipped her mind. How would he let go of the rare situation where Ling Tianya actually initiated contact?

Ruan Zeyan held Ling Tianya in his lap tightly, not giving her a chance to change her mind and escape. The initial light peck and turned into a full-blown make-out session by then, there was tongue and everything.

The kiss was as passionate as the most intense fireworks, sucking both of them in. They were unwilling to part.
