Scary Person

Dozens of cars had surrounded them. Other than a few men with light injuries, the rest of Ruan Zeyan's dozens of men were all perfectly fine.

Mr Bai had gripped onto Ling Tianya tightly, screaming like he was a man on a suicide mission, "Ruan Zeyan, your woman's life is in my hands, if you don't want her to die, then let me leave!"

The smell of gunpowder and blood lingered in the air.

Faced with Mr Bai's absolutely guttural screams, Ruan Zeyan's expression did not change at all, dull and cold, looking at Mr Bai as though looking at something dead.

Ruan Zeyan's reaction flustered Mr Bai, and he put force into the gun, ramming it further onto Ling Tianya's forehead. The force is huge, and it wasn't long before a bruise had formed on Ling Tianya's smooth forehead.

Mr Bai's acts finally elicited a reaction out from Ruan Zeyan, creases forming between his brows, the chill in his eyes enough to freeze everything in its path.