Level of Security

Ling Tianya didn't continue interrogating Yi Tian. She wasn't that free to do so, and she was someone that Zhang Heng had specifically picked out of the masses. She didn't want Zhang Heng to be put in a difficult spot.

But, after Ling Tianya's scare, Yi Tian had become a much more obedient. She was a smart person, and a smart person should know what to do from then on.

Some times, a psychological scare is much more useful than physical punishment. Yi Tian most likely wouldn't dare ruffle her feathers too much for a while now.

On the top floor of the Yuan Teng Building, in Ruan Zeyan's office, Ruan Zeyan and Du Gang continued the conversation that they were having in the mansion's study before Ling Tianya had interrupted them.

"This Mr. Bai's a stubborn one. Other than what Ms Ling had dug out of him in the bar, he refused to say anything else. But I did get news from other people." Du Gang paused, reorganizing his thoughts.