Misogyny Without a Doubt

One way to describe a misogynistic man like Sen Xuexin was that he would envy the haves and ridicule the have-nots. When he put his wallet, cell phone, and car key out on display for Ling Tianya, he thought he could attract Ling Tianya with material goods.

His wealth was not even on the level that Ling Tianya would bat an eye at. That made him feel humiliated and he began to apply his misogynistic ideas to Ling Tianya and place Ling Tianya in all kinds of unspeakable scenarios.

He determined that Ling Tianya was the kind of woman who would sell herself for money and materialistic goods but ignored the fact that he himself also tried to allure her with material things at the beginning.

A man like him would always love himself the most. Women were merely things that he could use to show off and satisfy his desires.