Calm Like So

When he saw that Ling Tianya remained so calm and even managed to comfort the frightened Yu Luoluo, Kui raised his eyebrows with interest. He had never met a woman with such inner power. She could humble a man like himself.

Kui started to feel a little unsettled.

Was she really just as a normal woman with a lot of attitude, like Huang Yuqing said?

While Kui was still pondering, Ling Tianya started to speak. "What do you want?"

The woman's voice was so calm, and it made Kui even more suspicious. What dwarfed everything was still his curiosity about Ling Tianya.

"What do I want? Of course, it is about the debt!" Kui pointed at his head, and several men behind him with injuries on their bodies. "Your sister injured me, and my brothers were beaten up by the two men. Do you think we will really just let it go?"

"So, what are you going to do?" Ling Tianya asked quietly. "Do you want money? How much? I will give it to you now."