Trying to Be Flattering


After enduring the PDA of his boss and Ling Tianya, Du Gang heard some moaning and discovered a person curled up on the couch.

Du Gang nudged him with his foot. "What is this?"

Sen Xuexin couldn't contain himself anymore and busted out crying. The other thing he couldn't control was his bladder and he peed his pants. 

Suddenly, the entire coffee shop reeked with the smell of urine. Du Gang almost threw up.

In front of the Yu residence, Ling Tianya had a complicated feeling. She had not told her grandma the true identity of Ruan Zeyan, but he just showed up like that and made such a big scene, how could she explain it?

"Sister Tianya, is this my future brother-in-law?" Yu Luoluo poked her head out from behind Ling Tianya mischievously. The future brother-in-law had such a strong aurora, and Yu Luoluo was afraid to get too close.


"Hello, my name is Ruan Zeyan."