Believe in Science and Genetics

Right then, Ling Tianya's room was clouded with a lust-filled atmosphere, but the two people on the bed didn't do much. 

But, even so, there was still a strong pulse of hormones rushing through the both of them, so neither of them were really able to calm down. 

Ling Tianya was cradled in Ruan Zeyan's arms in an uncomfortable position, and she squirmed uncomfortably but ended up getting locked further into the hug. 

"Don't move!" The man warned. 

The voice scared Ling Tianya into submission, her eyes wide as she stared at him.

Maybe he knew that Ling Tianya wasn't too comfortable, so Ruan Zeyan let go slightly, adjusting her so she was comfortable before hugging her again. 

For Ruan Zeyan, it was quite a challenge to just hold his woman in his hands and do nothing.

"What's with the new housekeeper?" With nothing else to do, Ruan Zeyan could only change the topic.