An Investigation is Too Troublesome

Ling Tianya's eyes darted from side to side and she snorted disdainfully at the words of the three old men. "You three grandfathers shouldn't speak so much. Be careful or your face will soon be hurting."

"You woman!" Fourth Grandfather furiously glared at Ling Tianya, his elderly face the color of pig liver.

"Small One, bring out the thing for the elders to see," Ling Tianya said leisurely.

Small One brought out a cell phone and placed it in Ruan Qishan's hands, "Chairman, these past couple of days, I have pretended to be an assassin. Here are the text messages exchanged between Chairman Ruan Guofu and me, as well as the money and the money transfer record."

[I have already invited Mandy to meet me at the abandoned warehouse. Go there and kill her.]

[How did it go? Is she dead?]

[Well done. Good job. The money will be wired to you immediately.]

Following was a message of a money transfer of two million.