The person at the Heart of the Struggle

Ling Tianya was woken up by Zhang Ke's text message. After reading the message, she put down her phone, expressionless.

She had recently been sleeping in Madame Ruan's room. In the beginning, she was unused to it and Madame Ruan was an early riser, which made her anxious and caused her to force herself to wake early as well.

However, after a couple of days, she had started to get used to it. Pregnant women were fond of sleeping. Every night, she fell asleep the second her head touched the pillow and she would sleep till morning.

Madame Ruan also told her that she could sleep for as long as she wanted. Older people slept less, so Ling Tianya didn't have to follow her lead and wake up early every day.

Now, Ling Tianya let go of the uneasiness in her heart and she slept until she naturally woke up every day.