Ling Tianya’s Asset

Ruan Zeyan was in his top-floor office at the Yuanteng Corporation. His eyes were serious as he read comments attacking Ling Tianya on his computer.

Du Gang stood opposite. "The squabbling online has become more and more fierce, and it has affected Yuanteng's stock price. Some Ruan family members and board members have begun to complain."

However, all of them were complaining in private. Everyone knew that Ruan Zeyan loved Ling Tianya to death and no one dared to say anything negative about her in front of him. Moreover, without them chiming in, the Internet had already torn Ling Tianya apart. 

Ruan Zeyan looked displeased. "Where is Tianya now?"

"The young madame has just left Zhiya Entertainment. Big One said that her mood was actually quite good."

Du Gang really had to admire Ling Tianya. Regardless of what the Internet was saying about her, she was still cool and unfazed. This was very similar to his boss.