Flee in Embarrassment

Ling Tianya had used facts to make everyone realize the truth. Yi Tian was not as good for this role as Guan Meiyi. Ling Tianya did not bully people with her power. Moreover, the actual initiator and bully in this whole thing was Shan Feifei, who had blamed the victim and treated others like fools.

Yi Tian and Shan Feifei, who were sitting off the stage, had become the target of condemnation. They sat there, looking defeated. The embarrassment they felt was unbearable. Yi Tian sat in the central position where the female lead should be. They looked incredibly ironic now. And Shan Feifei sat in the seat that she had stolen from Guan Meiyi, which was like being roasted in fire.

Looking at Ling Tianya and Guan Meiyi who seemed ease on stage, Yi Tian stood up and started to walk away with her head bowed.