This is Unfair

Yu Luoluo was unhappy when she heard this. "Grandmother, why do we have to move out? If someone must move out, then it should be them!"

Yu Meizi, who had already returned to the bedroom, overheard Yu Luoluo's words and angrily rushed out. "Yu Luoluo, what did you say?"

"That's enough. It's the middle of the night! Aren't you afraid of disturbing the neighbors? Hurry off to bed!" Yu Chenshi said dismissively to Yu Meizi. Yu Meizi dropped the subject, warned Yu Luoluo with her eyes, went back to her room, and slammed the door.

Aggrieved, Yu Chenshi looked at the tightly shut door. The Yu Meizi she had known before wasn't like this. The young Yu Meizi was sweet-tempered. She didn't even know how to raise her voice. Why was she acting like an unreasonable scoundrel?

Just as Ling Tianya got out of bed on the second day, she heard from the servant that Yu Luoluo was looking for her.