Go to Sister Tianya's

Small One glared coldly at Zhang Chao, his large hands tightly holding Zhang Chao's arm. Zhang Chao felt as if his arm was going to be broken by this big man.

"Let me go! Ah! It hurts!" Zhang Chao was drenched in sweat due to the pain as his red eyes glared at Small One.

Small One laughed coldly, his eyes full of distaste for Zhang Chao. "It seems that you have not learned your lesson after last time. You dare to hit a woman?"

Yu Luoluo stood behind Small One, her eyes full of contempt as she looked at Zhang Chao.

Zhang Zihao looked at Small One and became scared. Quickly, he rushed behind Yu Meizi and pointed. "Mom, it was him," he shouted. He is the man who follows Ling Tianya around. Last time, in the spa, it was also him who threw out father and me. He is terrifying!"