The Sixth Month

In Ling Tianya's sixth month of pregnancy, the weather was getting warmer. She was a person who didn't like warm weather, and now, with her giant belly, she felt even lazier than usual. She did not want to move much at all, but she also knew that her being sedentary was not good for her child. So, even if it was hot outside, she would still find a time when the sun was not out to walk in the yard.

In the blink of an eye, the day when Zhiya Entertainment publicly selected their trainees had arrived. Ling Tianya got up early. Although she had said that she would not interfere with Yu Luoluo, she still cared about her performance. She also had a plan B prepared if Yu Luoluo was not selected. She would arrange for her to work as Guan Meiyi's temporary assistant. That way, Yu Luoluo could enter Zhiya Entertainment without a fuss, and she could make other plans for her later.