Dreaming of Making it Big

Zhang Chao also thought it strange that Yu Meizi would tell Zhang Zihao off over that idiot. He smiled coldly. "Zihao, it's different now. Your mother's heart is only thinking about the Ling family's wealth, and she can't be bothered with you and me anymore... Now, she visits her ex-husband in the hospital and stays in this grand hotel. If I hadn't brought you here to look for her, she would probably have forgotten about us."

Listening to Zhang Chao's sarcastic words, Yu Meizi rolled her eyes at him and ignored him. Instead, she said to Ling Tianxin, "Tianxin, don't be scared. They are your Uncle Zhang and your brother. They aren't bad people. You must try to get along with them."

"But, Mom... Tianxin doesn't like them." Ling Tianxin grabbed onto Yu Meizi tightly, as if afraid that Yu Meizi would be stolen away.

Yu Meizi said patiently, "Tianxin, they are both mother's family and also your family. You must get along with them, or Mom won't like you anymore."