The Greatest Hidden Danger (5)

Ruan Guosheng entered the large study. This was the place that he had coveted the most for the many years.

In the past, only his father could come in. Then, father brought Ruan Qishan in but didn't allow either him or Ruan Guofu to even come close. Then, father put him and Ruan Guofu out of the house.

Even now, Ruan Guosheng still remembered the words that his father had said to him and Ruan Guofu.

"Only the heirs of the Ruan family and its clan head are qualified to stay in this mansion."

Just like that, they were cold-heartedly sent out of the mansion. They were made to stay in another house outside with Qin Shi.

Although that house was also lavishly decorated, and they had servants to look after them, it still couldn't compare to the main house.

Father seemed to have forgotten about the three of them. Although they didn't lack for anything and lived a life of abundance, they could never meet with father.