A Direct Confrontation (1)

Mark received orders from his leader to not engage the armed forces directly, but ignore everyone else first and leave with only Ling Tianya.

Although Mark didn't understand just what the relationship between his leader and Ling Tianya. was, Mark couldn't disobey his orders.

Just when Mark and his gang were about to capture Ling Tianya, the armed forces broke in through the windows. Mark grabbed Ling Tianya before anyone else could stop him, then the other KSI members provided cover for him to leave the living room and prepare to break out.

After Mark left, the people who subdued Da Yi left as well.

Watching Ling Tianya being taken away, Da Yi told the Yuan family's guards, "Take care of this place."

Then, Da Yi rushed out to chase after Mark and his gang.

Zhang Ke's left shoulder was still bleeding from the bullet wound. She sat on the floor as she watched Da Yi give chase with a complicated expression on her face.