Plastic Surgery Monster (1)

When Mark heard that Mandy wanted to take Ling Tianya to the basement, he was hesitant. "That is prohibited ground, on the orders of our boss. Are you really going to take her there?"

"Didn't you hear me?" Mandy looked at Mark. "Who am I doing this for? I just want to help you get revenge."

Mandy's exclamation robbed Mark of all excuses and words. He was already part of the act now. He had already let Mandy do whatever she wanted to Ling Tianya. He had no choice but to listen to Mandy's orders now. They were in it together.

Therefore, Mark released Ling Tianya from the ropes and tied her hands together instead. Then, they made their way to the basement.

It was only the second time Ling Tianya had left her room, and she paid special attention to the path they took, noting every detail she could possibly remember.