Plastic Surgery Monster (3)

In the basement, Mandy's scalpel was already touching Ling Tianya's cheeks. The coldness of the blade sent chills running down Ling Tianya's spine.

She wanted to struggle but her body was pinned down by Mark. She couldn't move an inch.

"Hahaha, Young Mistress, don't fidget! If my hand trembles, I might draw a lightning bolt on your face. It wouldn't be pretty," Mandy said coldly and she chuckled. She waved the scalpel in front of Ling Tianya menacingly. "Tell me, where should I start? Your forehead is pretty, shall we start at the forehead? But your forehead can be easily covered by hair. How about we start with your cheeks?"

Ling Tianya knew that Mandy was taking her time to torture her and incite fear within her. The act itself might not be as scary as the tension built before. It was a long, tortuous stretch.