It is Ling Tianya (3)

Cheng Chen could feel that the woman in his arms was trembling and could feel her warm tears drenching his shirt. However, he didn't push her away and silently lowered his head to look at her before reaching out to hold her shoulder.

Soon, the door to Yu Chenshi's room opened, and the doctor came out.

When Yu Luoluo heard the door open, she immediately stopped crying and ran toward the room. Cheng Chen followed her in.

"Doctor, how is my grandmother?" Yu Luoluo anxiously asked.

The doctor nodded. "Your grandmother had been saved. Luckily, you were able to react quickly. Right now, your grandmother isn't stable. Something like this might happen again. Therefore, she must not be left alone. Do you understand?"

Yu Luoluo nodded repeatedly. "I understand, thank you, doctor."