That Pen’s Use (2)

Upon seeing that Ling Tianya's hand was trembling a lot, Zhang Ke took the key back and quickly tried out all of the keys.

Finally, following a sound, the door opened.

Upon opening the door and seeing Gu Zhiqian, Ling Tianya could not believe her eyes.

In front of her was a man with an unkempt beard and a dirty body, who was emitting a stench and whose messy hair was covering his face. No matter how she looked at him, he didn't look like the Film Emperor, Gu Zhiqian.

"Small Yaya!" Upon seeing Ling Tianya, Gu Zhiqian was very excited and wanted to rush forward and embrace her. However, he quickly realized his current situation and stopped when he was half a step from Ling Tianya. "It's great to see you!"

This voice. It was definitely Gu Zhiqian.

"Gu Zhiqian, we don't have time to talk about the weather. Let's leave quickly," Ling Tianya said.

"Hurry up and come with me!" Zhang Ke said.