A Slap Across the Face (4)

This businessman, Ruan Zeyan actually had a Ph.D. from MIT. Now, he was far superior to Xu Cheng.

Upon seeing that Grandmother in law's elder sister was stifling her emotions and was not saying anything, Wang Yazhi was very happy. However, kept her emotions hidden as she said, "There's no other way. In order to manage such a large corporation, how can he not have that educational background? Even though Ruan Zeyan's educational background was so high, when he first started managing the company, he started out learning how the company operated from the lowest department. I remember that Ruan Zeyan stayed in the lowest level of the corporation for a year before he was able to take over the company."

Ruan Qishan, who had been silent this entire time said, "That's right."

Xu Cheng's face was one of embarrassment. What else could she say?

Huang Ying looked at Ruan Qishan. "Qishan, I only have one daughter, Xu Cheng."